

I moved into my dorm room yesterday. the room has a bed that squeeks when you move on it, a desk to jack off at, and some room to gEt cReAtIvE. i have a fridge. i store water in it. i also have some jam my grandma made in there.

It said "floor meeting at 5pm" on my door. it was still 11am and i had nothing to do so i went for a walk around campus. it was boring. then i got back and layed around till 5:13 or so. i didnt know where the floor meeting was so i walked around and found it. i was late, like a punk. around 10 teens were in a circle introducing themselves. i sat on a chair beside the circle and pretended that i didnt care that i was late. then the leader asked me to introduce myself so i said "my name is riley and ive been living in japan for the past 14 years and i like music and i LIKE TO SKATEBOARD". i couldnt think of what to say so i had to reveal my sk8r fag identity. then the leader explained some stuff that was completely useless, and we went back into our rooms like little rats. i thought about cool ways of introducing myself while laying on the bed like "hi, my name is riley and i like sleeping , and i hate bruce springsteen and i want to kill the rolling stones. sorry". they would think im so artistic.

then i heard some music next door. the girl living next door seems to be a total north american Teenie. i peeked in her room and i saw a poster of a macho guy with his shirt off, smiling a little. the music i heard was also teenie music. top hit teen music. hey hey u u i dont like ur girl friend. hey there delila how is it in nu york city i love u baby. that type of stuff. she seemed to have a friend over. i heard them bitching about their friends.

then i went to eat dinner with the floor leader, and 2 other normal looking girls. i didnt say a word. they were talking about text books. i had salad and fried rice and some other stuff. the food seamed to be fresh, so it was tOtAllY tIgHt. i also had milk, and then i put water into the milk cup and the water stank. it smelled like a wet cow's tit.

i got back to my room, and started feeling sad and mad and bad because i was bored. i layed around and played the guitar for a few more hours, and then the room leader knocked on my door. she asked if i was interested in the little party at 9. i said yeah and she told me where to meet up. i thanked her and shut the door.

the clock hit nine in the ass, so i went to the meeting spot. a chinese guy introduced himself to me, and we talked about china. we got to the party. it was nothing like i expected. it was a normal sized room with a bunch of people shouting/talking to eachother. i got my free beer and then a japanese girl walked in and the chinese guy knew her so he said hi, and i talked to her in japanese. then more asians came. korean and chinese. then more japanese came and i talked to them. i started drinking my other free beer and i started to sweat like a pig running around on the sun. i dont know why. the room was hot, but i was the only one sweating. they must have thought im weak against alcohol. i was mad because i wasnt drunk or anything. just a little more positive than usual. me and the chinese guy finished our 2 free beers so we went to see if we could buy more. they said no, u cant. we left the party.

we got back to the dorm and the chinese guy invited me into his room so i went in. then he pulled down his pants and he had a small boner. JUST KIDDING.

we got into his room and he had a lap top with an apple mark on the middle of it. i said 'oh u have a mac'. he said no, and showed me it was just a sticker. he told me he likes the logo a lot. then we went to my room and i showed him my computer. its a mac. he said cool about 10 times, and saw my ipod and said it 10 times more, because it was a second generation ipod. he used my computer a bit, and i wanted to tell him to stop, but i was to embarrassed. it wasnt very comfortable. then he said 'wut r u goin to do nou?', so i told him that i am going to go to the bar to see if its open. he came along. it wasnt open. we got back to the dorm and said bye to each other. i couldnt sleep. i finally fell asleep ar 2 am, and it wasnt a real good sleep.

i woke up at 8am, and went to a residents orientation for the people in the dorm. they had doughnuts for breakfast but they were out of juice. i didnt eat any because they looked dry. then a 25 year old 100% jock came in and showed us a slide show. it was about how words like "gay" and "slut" can be harmful, and that everybody is different. it was the most fucked up slide show that i have ever seen. then all of the room leaders introduced themselves and an assholish looking guy in a suit came into the room. some guys went "WHOOO!". i thought, "oh, god". the guy in the suit was proud of himself. then he gave a speech, and he told us that we shouldnt be embarrassed and not go "WHOOOO" when he comes in, and that we should all cheer, and be ourselves. thats what he actually said. what a dumb rotten penis.

then we were sent out side, where we waited for the next order. the chinese guy was with me, and more asians started coming. as soon as i knew it, i was with 6 asian guys. then i talked to an african guy, and we were sent into a gym. there, we were shown a boring awful video about some volunteer group called shinerama. they shine your shoes for donations. i wanted to pay them 20 dollars to stop talking. my stomach was starting to hurt. then it was finally over and we went to a free BBQ. i talked to a cool japanese guy, and then another cool japanese guy. i hung out with them and ate a BBQ burger. then one of them came to my room, and i went to his, and we said bye to each other.

so far, i've only made asian friends. so far i have found noone that shares the same intersts as me, and im bored. i have 3 more days of orientation. WHOOO!.

i have to go to a party at 9.

1 件のコメント:

4be さんのコメント...

where do you go 2 skool d00d?